This Earth Day we’re chatting to our founder and CEO, Priya Downes about out how we as individuals can make small but positive changes to our shopping habits to support the planet and those living on it.

Why is sustainable underwear important to you?

“I created Nudea because I saw how disposable underwear had become: low quality, incorrect fitting, and lack of knowledge on how to care for these items had contributed to making the underwear category throwaway.”

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Why is Nudea underwear different?

"At Nudea all of our products are made with recycled, organic or natural materials and have been produced in factories that use renewable energy and no harmful or toxic chemicals in their manufacturing processes. With over 20 components involved in the making of a bra, all our suppliers and sub-suppliers sign up to our strict supplier code of conduct based on the B Corp framework and minimise the environmental impact of our products by prioritising near-shoring and sourcing components within the same region of a factory. ”

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Why should I care about shopping sustainably for underwear?

“According to the UNECE, the fashion industry is responsible for up to 10% of greenhouse gas emissions caused by humans and 20% of global wastewater and The Ellen Macarthur Foundation (2022a) reports that the equivalent of a truck load of clothing is being sent to landfill or burnt every second. There is no second life for underwear due to limited options for reselling, renting, or donating so it's important to buy less, wear and care more in the first place."

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How will I benefit from sustainable fashion?

"Aside from the clear conscience, you will find that sustainable products tend to also last a lot longer than mass-produced items, are often of a higher quality and are created using less chemicals, so are kinder to your skin. Underwear is the closest item of clothing to your skin and your intimate areas, so it's even more important to wear items that are not made from cheap synthetic yarns or coated in toxic dyes likely to cause irritation.”

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Aside from the clear conscience, you will find that sustainable products tend to also last a lot longer than mass-produced items, are often of a higher quality and are created using less chemicals, so are kinder to your skin.

Underwear is the closest item of clothing to your skin and your intimate areas, so it's even more important to wear items that are not made from cheap synthetic yarns or coated in toxic dyes likely to cause irritation.